Welcome to Cold Harbor Elementary School, located in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Recognized in 1999 as a Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education, Cold Harbor has had a time-honored and proud tradition of excellence since our inception in 1983. Our 550 students, affectionately known as Cold Harbor Cougars, comprise two preschool programs and kindergarten through fifth-grade classes. Approximately 70 staff members work together to inspire greatness in all of the students we serve. We invite you to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.
Here at Cold Harbor we are five houses, one family! Our school adopted the house system in the year 2020 and have enjoyed showing our house spirit ever since. Students are sorted into one of our five houses their kindergarten year and are house members for life! Each house represents one of the five characteristics each Cold Harbor student strives to possess.
- Balena - Responsible Whales
- Kula - Respectful Lions
- Tatonka - Trustworthy Buffalos
- Tharros - Courageous Gorillas
- Huruma - Kind Elephants